Tuesday 17 September 2013

LO1 Task : KTA 1 - Industry research/write up of professional

Human studios

HumanStudio is a creative agency with global credentials and substantial collective experience.

Human have completed commercial design projects for many organisations including, MTV, swatch, Kilgour,Roewe, the university of sheffield and Channel 4.

their work has been exhibited in many different countries such as; Britain, france, japan and the united states - they also featured in various publications and blogs around the world.

Clear Channel 

Clear Channel are an outdoor advertisement company which was founded in 1972 by Lowry Mays and B. J. "red" McCombs. Clear Channel are known as a "out of home" advertising company this means they advertise outdoors. The company is responsible for most of the motor way, round about, and bus-stop advertisement boards.

During The school day we were visited by Nigel Staford who works for clear channel and is a freelance graphic designer. Nigel told us about different methods that are used by clear channel to ensure that their clients are satisfied and that they can advertise effectively.

They advertise "head-on" methods which mean people when they are driving and see on of CC's advertisement boards they can see the billboard clearly and understand whats on it. These are used on the outsides of bus-stops and on round-abouts and sometimes placed on the walls of buildings; the advertisement itself will have very little wording on it show drivers can read it quickly when driving past and will have images to catch the eyes of the public.

The other method is simple and is found on the inside of bus-stops which are usually more wordy as people have the time to read them as the car drivers do not. but they will still retain big images to keep people engaged with the advert.

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